Trainee Membership

Trainee membership is open to those advancing their medical education or expertise while enrolled at UAB or partner institutions that conduct cancer-focused research, training, or education. Trainees may be at any stage of academic progress, including:

  • Undergraduate
  • Graduate student
  • Medical student
  • Postdoc
  • Resident
  • Fellow


Trainee membership will be reviewed by the UAB O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center Training and Career Development Office. Those who meet the criteria listed above will be granted trainee membership for one year. Membership must be updated annually.


Trainees will be eligible for O’Neal trainee awards, invited to networking and professional growth events, and will receive the trainee newsletter.


Trainees who meet the eligibility criteria may complete the online Monicur enrollment form below. Trainees must complete an initial survey once enrolled and an annual follow-up survey.

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