Community & State Partnerships

The Alabama Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program from the Alabama Department of Public Health provides free breast and cervical cancer screenings for women who meet eligibility guidelines. Free services include a pelvic exam, Pap smear, clinical breast exam, mammogram, and diagnostic services such as an ultrasound, colposcopy, or biopsy, if needed.

The Hey Fellas Prostate Cancer Outreach program provides opportunities for men in Alabama and Mississippi to have designated safe spaces to discuss men’s health topics with prostate cancer being the focus. Men want opportunities to talk more globally about their interests and health. In a participatory spirit, Hey Fellas is “defined by men, for men, for what men need and want”. With support from the Mike Slive Foundation, the Office of Community Outreach & Engagement has trained ambassadors to lead these conversations and refer men to appropriate resources and prostate cancer screening services. The ultimate goal is to remove the fear and stigma associated with prostate cancer screening.

The UAB O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center has had long-standing partnerships with many area churches and other faith-based organizations to provide information on cancer early detection and screening. Many programs, such as Body & Soul, No Menthol Sunday, Pink Sunday and Navy Sunday have been implemented via faith-based institutions for over 20 years.

In order to effectively conduct community-based outreach and research programs, the UAB O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center has collaborated with local community-based organizations in every community it serves. The Office of Community Outreach and Engagement collaborates with many local municipalities, non-profit organizations, schools and other civic groups to reach individuals from underserved communities. These partnerships are vital to the Cancer Center’s community efforts.