Akce named to leadership roles at O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center, Hugh Kaul Precision Medicine Institute

O’Neal Cancer Center Director Barry Sleckman, M.D., Ph.D., and Hugh Kaul Precision Medicine Institute Director Matt Might, Ph.D., recently announced that Mehmet Akce, M.D., has been named the leader of the O’Neal Precision Medicine Working Group and Associate Director for Precision Oncology of the Hugh Kaul Precision Medicine Institute.
As leader of the Precision Medicine Working Group, Akce will work with faculty to develop a strong portfolio of precision medicine cancer clinical trials. Akce is a highly experienced clinical trialist who has led several early phase trials, including molecularly targeted trials. In this role, he will ensure patients have access to personalized clinical trials evaluating cutting-edge therapies based on known molecular alterations in their tumors.
As Associate Director for Precision Oncology of the Hugh Kaul Precision Medicine Institute, Akce will lead the efforts to test and use new computational approaches aimed at identifying personalized therapeutics for cancer patients by leveraging artificial intelligence capabilities developed for rare disease patients.
Sleckman and Might look forward to Akce’s leadership in these two areas that are critical to the success of the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Hugh Kaul Precision Medicine Institute—and most importantly, to benefit our cancer patients.